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NetSphere ECS

In a general sense, a control system refers to a system or device that responds to input signals and generates output signals to control the operation of the controlled equipment in a specific manner. ECS stands for Equipment Control System, and at Altiall, we possess expertise and skills in various factory and warehouse automation. 

* NetSphere is the proprietary brand name used by Altiall to refer to all of its developed automation software programs.

​NetSphere ECS for AMHS & CIM

AMHS: Automated Material Handling System

CIM: Computer Integrated Manufacturing

NetSphere ECS for AMHS & CIM is an operating system that controls EQP or material transportation facilities and storage facilities in FPD, Semiconductor Clean FAB. It is a system that operates the equipment by connecting the device and the upper host (MES, MCS), reporting process data and logistics return data to the host, and receiving process instructions and return instruction data from the host. It is based on the Semi Standard. 

NetSphere ECS for AMHS & CIM is an operational system designed to control equipment and material handling facilities, including devices and storage facilities, in FPD (Flat Panel Display) and Semiconductor Clean FAB environments. It connects the equipment with the upper-level host systems such as MES (Manufacturing Execution System) and MCS (Material Control System). It reports process data and material handling data to the host system and receives process and operation instructions from the host system to operate the equipment. This system is based on the Semi Standard.

FPD: Flat Panel Display

FAB: FAB is an abbreviation of "Fabrication," which means manufacturing, and refers to a manufacturing line that makes semiconductor devices. 

MES: Manufacturing Execution System

MCS: Manufacturing Control System

[Semi Standard]

E005, E30, E37, E082, E023, E084, E088

[Application field]

Clean Lifter / OHT / RGV / LGV / Clean Conveyor / EQP / Semiconductor Stocker / FPD Stocker

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