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Software Engineering

Software engineering in the context of automation facilities refers to the development of software applications used to automatically operate and control the flow of production processes in factories or material flows in warehouses and distribution centers. The introduction of automation control systems offers several advantages and macro-level objectives, including labor and material savings, as well as enabling more precise control compared to human operation, leading to improved quality, accuracy, and precision.

  • NetSphere is Altiall's proprietary brand name that refers to all automation software programs developed by Altiall.

NetSphere WCS

A Warehouse Control System (WCS) is a system designed to manage and optimize the flow of materials within a warehouse or distribution center to achieve specific objectives. It monitors the flow of all materials and the status of equipment within the distribution center, and provides real-time instructions to automated devices and equipment to align with the optimization goals. The WCS aims to control and coordinate activities in real-time to ensure efficient and effective material handling and movement throughout the facility.

NetSphere ECS

ECS 는 Equipment Control System (장비제어시스템)으로 알티올은 다양한 공장 및 물류 자동화 설비 및 장비에 대해 전문성과 숙련된 노하우를 지니고 있습니다.  ​여기에서 소개하는 영역 이외의 자동화 설비 또한 서비스가 가능합니다. 

ECS (Equipment Control System) is a system used for controlling and managing various automation equipment. It involves expertise and skilled know-how in handling different types of automation equipment and machinery. Apart from the areas mentioned here, Altiall is capable of providing services for automation equipment in other domains as well.

NetSphere ACS

NetSphere ACS (AGV Control System) is a system developed by Altiall for controlling various AGVs (Automated Guided Vehicles) and AMRs (Autonomous Mobile Robots) within warehouses & distribution centers. With our expertise in multi-robot control and operations, we provide advanced solutions for efficient and coordinated movement of mobile robots in warehouse environments. NetSphere ACS enables intelligent navigation, task allocation, and real-time monitoring of AGVs and AMRs, optimizing their operations and improving overall productivity.

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